The additives, which cause the strengthening of the desirable properties and removal or reduction of the undesirable properties of the base oil, are used in order to improve the lubricants’ properties. These compounds lead to control the lubricant oxidation, to increase the wear resistance of the surfaces, to reduce their corrosion rate, and to prevent the formation of various deposits on the surfaces. ZDDP is one of the most important additives in this field, which is used in almost all lubricating oils, especially the motor oil. ZDDP changes hydroperoxides formed from chain reactions into the products that can act as antioxidants in itself. This material indeed slows down the initial stage of the oil decomposition chain reaction. ZDDP usually reacts with the metal surface and stops the activity of metal impurities such as copper and zinc, which cause the oil oxidation facilitation, by forming a layer on the metal surface.

The first and only world-class ZDDP production unit in the country was added to the company’s production cycle since 2020. The ZDDP mass production has been taken into consideration by the company in line with the country’s self-sufficiency goals, and subsequently, the company’s activity in this field has begun by establishing a production unit after the successful completion of the laboratory synthesis and the product quality is approved in the country by the major producers of lubricating oils.


The use of ZDDP additive, usually in the amount of 0.5% to 3% by weight, significantly causes the improvement of the base oil properties. The main application of ZDDP is as an anti-wear additive in all types of lubricants, including grease, hydraulic oil, and engine (motor) oil. ZDDP also acts as an anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation.